iPad 3 May Be Coming In March

If you thought that the release of the iPad 2 was something else, you’ll be surprised that the rumor of a new iPad 3 is due in March.  That’s right, rumor has it, that it will be the first week of march.  Better be saving up for it though.  Here is an excerpt from the article…

“Yesterday, news about a new iPad 3 leaked out from a couple of Chinese web sites.  What I have gathered is that improvements are being made for screenresolutions and camera. There was also a buzz about selling your iPad 2 if you want to get the best price before the release of the iPad 3. I am not sure how many people who own the iPad 2 are willing to sell it and fork out another $699 (estimated price) for the next generation iPad 3. There’s speculation that the release of the new iPad 3 will be around the first week of March.”

Click the image below to read the rest of the article….

Budget Games and Software

I will be reviewing some Budget Games and Software in the coming weeks.  Most people are looking fun and good software on a budget.  What is my budget?  I’m limiting my purchases to $20.  You can expect a review on a budget product most Fridays.  Some weeks may be skipped, do to various factors.

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover they say, but the cover is the selling point.  Instead, I’m going to say, “You shouldn’t judge a game/software by it’s price.”  Just because it’s budget, doesn’t mean it’s not a good game/software.  For example, you can now get Sim City 4 for $10.  That is one product I will review.

The product I will be reviewing up in the coming week is, Encyclopedia Britannica.  This information filled product is a bit more accurate than Wikipedia and I’ll be giving it a whirl over the next week.  When opinion matters, I’ll be giving you my two cents on Friday.  Stay tuned for that.

If you’d like to send me a free copy of your software to review, then I’d be happy to oblige.  The software must be a reason price and budget friendly.