iPad 3 May Be Coming In March

If you thought that the release of the iPad 2 was something else, you’ll be surprised that the rumor of a new iPad 3 is due in March.  That’s right, rumor has it, that it will be the first week of march.  Better be saving up for it though.  Here is an excerpt from the article…

“Yesterday, news about a new iPad 3 leaked out from a couple of Chinese web sites.  What I have gathered is that improvements are being made for screenresolutions and camera. There was also a buzz about selling your iPad 2 if you want to get the best price before the release of the iPad 3. I am not sure how many people who own the iPad 2 are willing to sell it and fork out another $699 (estimated price) for the next generation iPad 3. There’s speculation that the release of the new iPad 3 will be around the first week of March.”

Click the image below to read the rest of the article….

A Fungus More Expensive Than Gold?

N-Acetylneuraminic acid is 50 times more expensive than Gold according to some.  It’s used in the production of antiviral drugs.  However, it can be found/synthesized from the Shells of Sea Creatures.  Here is an excerpt from the article…

“Usually, mould fungi are nothing to cheer about – but now they can be used as “chemical factories”. Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology have succeeded in introducing bacterial genes into the fungus Trichoderma, so that the fungus can now produce important chemicals for the pharmaceutical industry. The raw material used by the fungus is abundant – it is chitin, which makes up the shells of crustaceans.

Fifty Times More Expensive than Gold

Viral Infections are usually treated with antiviral drugs, which are often derived from N-Acetylneuraminic acid (or NANA, for short). NANA, which can be obtained form natural sources or synthesized, is fifty times more valuable than gold – it is sold for around 2000 Euros per gram. A research team at Vienna UT, led by biotechnologist Astrid Mach-Aigner, has now found a new, eco-friendly way to produce NANA. The vast knowledge about the genetics of the fungus Trichoderma accumulated at Vienna UT over the years was crucial for the project. ”

Click on the image below to be taken to the article…

Millions Of Internet Users May Be Without Internet

In the news, millions of people world wide had their computers infected by a DNS changing virus that effectively changed the website the viewer was trying to go to, into a malicious site.  The people who created the virus were arrested by the FBI, but that doesn’t change the fact that many people who were infected by it, have yet to do anything about it.  Here is a excerpt from the article:

“Millions of computer users across the world could be blocked off from the Internet as early as March 8 if the FBI follows through with plans to yank a series of servers originally installed to combat corruption.

Last year, authorities in Estonia apprehended six men believed responsible for creating a malicious computer script called the DNSChanger Trojan. Once set loose on the Web, the worm corrupted computers in upwards of 100 countries, including an estimated 500,000 in America alone. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation later stepped up by replacing the rogue Trojan with servers of their own in an attempt to remediate the damage, but the fix was only temporary. Now the FBI is expected to end use of those replacement servers as early as next month and, at that point, the Internet for millions could essentially be over.”

And here is an image, just click the image to read the rest of the article…

Is Final Fantasy XIII 2 The Next FF Game?

If you’ve played the previous Final Fantasy XIII game, you might have been slightly disappointed with it.  However, XIII 2 hopes to bring back some of that Enjoyment.  SquareEnix has listened to some of the complaints and dealt with a few of the big ones such as Free Roam of the Cities.  Yes, you have free roaming back.

If you’re a Final Fantasy fan, you’ll want to give XIII 2 a try.  With a great Soundtrack and a solid story line, you’ll get lost in it for hours on end.  According to PC World, it’s been given a 4 star rating.  Will you be getting Final Fantasy XIII 2?

Twitter Hashtag Tools

When browsing Twitter, you may have noticed hashtags.  What are hashtags?  They’re easy ways to spread your message out to a larger following.

You can also follow hashtags and have conversations with them.  Hashtags always have a # symbol in front of their name.  That’s how Twitter determines it’s a hashtag.

Hashtags are also a great way to increase your Tweet count.  If you’re not sure what to Tweet about today, just look up a hashtag.  For example; if I wanted to learn something about a random person today, I might use the hashtag #30thingsaboutme.

When I search for #30thingsaboutme, it brings up everyone who is using that hashtag.  You can see what people are saying about themselves and it can give you an idea of what you might say yourself.  You might even use the #30thingsaboutme hashtag to let others know more about you.

Using hashtags is a great way to meet more people on Twitter and increase your following.  Not only that, if you have a Klout, then having conversations with people will increase your reach, which overall increases your Klout score.  Therefor, using hashtags can increase your overall reach in Social Media.

Some people say don’t over-use hashtags.  I say that one should use hashtags accordingly.  Forexample, if I was posting a post about #Dogs, I would not use a #Cats hashtag in my post.  But, perhaps I would use the hashtag #Knine.  The hashtag needs to be relative to the post at hand.

There are some Hashtag Tools that you can use to your advantage.  For example, by clicking on the image below, it will take you to an article that goes over 6 of those tools.  Included in this article is the Trendsmap site, which allows you to see trends by location on a map.


Hopefully, armed with these tools and the knowledge of hashtags, you’ll be able to get your Twitter off the ground.  If you’re already on Twitter, what are some of the popular hashtags that you use or have seen?

Making Great Tea

Often times when people make tea, they tend to make it the wrong way.  Ever notice how some people’s tea is just strong and others are kind of so so?  There are things you want to watch out for when making tea.

– Never ever boil your Tea.  Tea is not meant to be cooked, it’s meant to be Steeped or Brewed.  You’ll want the temperature of your water to be just before the Boiling put.  For me, this is often the number 4 on my stove nob.  Turn it on high, then turn it down once the bubbles start to appear in the bottom of the pot.

– Don’t cook your Tea too long.  A lot of people cook their Tea way too long.  This causes bitterness in the Tea and makes it unbearably strong.  We don’t want this.  We want a full flavored Tea and not have the bitterness.  Set your timer on the stove and turn over the tea bags half way through the cooking time.  I recommend 6-8 minutes.  For a full flavored Tea that’s not overpowering, go for the 6 minute mark.  If you like your Tea a little stronger, go for the 8 minute mark.

– Never add sugar to Cold Tea.  It just doesn’t work.  Maybe a little, but Sugar best dissolves when the water is still warm.  Therefor, you’ll want to add the Sugar to your Tea when the water is still hot.  Right after you take the Tea bags out and turn off the stove.  This ensures that the Sugar gets mixed into the Tea and you get the most out of your sugar.

I like to use 1 Family size Lipton Black Tea bag to make a Gallon and the Tea turns out just fine with this Method.  I also add 1cup of sugar to my Tea, often times, this is plenty for most people.  You can adjust the sugar according to how much Tea you’re making, 1qt, 1/2 gallon, etc.

Keep to these simple tips and you’ll be making great Tea every single time.

Optional: (Lemon or Lime)

Enjoy the “19 New Ways to Enjoy Sweet Tea” article from Southern Living by clicking on the image below.

Sweet Tea

Green Smoothies – For Those Wanting A New Lifestyle

I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to try out just about anything.  Even Vegetarian and Vegan dishes.  I’m not afraid to take the plunge.  How about you?

Here is a sweet delicious smoothie that you can try at home.  There are many reasons to try a smoothie, most of the reasons are for the health benefits.  The right smoothies can be quite beneficial for you.  Instead of having to take a Supplement, where only 10% of the nutrients actually goes into your system, you can always try this.

If you just can find the right balance of nutrients, fiber, and what ever else your body needs.  Try a Green Smoothie.  You’ll be glad you did.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to end up in the Hospital because I didn’t take care of myself.  This could be a step in the right direction for many people.  What about you?

Do you want to be around for your children?  What about for your grandchildren?  If you do nothing this holiday season, or over the new year, make that resolution to take a plunge.  Take a dive into the world of health.

Some Mistakes of Vegans and Vegetarians

One might actually think that it’s easy to just get out there and change your lifestyle, but it’s not.  It can actually be quite hard for some people.

If you want to diet, exercise, and lose weight, there are some things you need to avoid as pointed out in the video below.

Those things are as follows:

Eating too much Fat.
Eating too much Sugar & Stimulants.
Not fixing enough of your own meals.
Not getting enough exercise.
Not being in a community.

For some, working out alone, might be alright.  For many, it’s the exact opposite.  Try to either create your own community, or join an existing one.  That will boost your confidence and willingness to get out there.