Tomorrow VS Just One More

The mind is a funny thing.  I’ve spent the past few months reading a lot about mindset.  Upon reflection I’ve been thinking that it can be boiled down to those who keep saying ‘Tomorrow’ and those who say ‘just one more.’

I had a conversation with a friend a few years ago and was amazed at how toxic his thinking had become.  It was more than someone having a bad day.  He had grown bitter, pessimistic and a shell of his former self.  He hid it fairly well from those around him, but it crept out from time to time in conversation.  I casually commented that if you say “’I can’t’ – you won’t.”  To say he was a little put off by my comment is an understatement.  Now in retrospect, I’m not sure that any of us set out to be negative.  It’s not exactly a character trait that people aspire to.  Left unchecked, it simply creeps up on you.  We are all faced with ‘tomorrow’ or ‘just one more’.

To read the full article click the link below.

Just One More

Green Smoothies – For Those Wanting A New Lifestyle

I don’t know about you, but I’m willing to try out just about anything.  Even Vegetarian and Vegan dishes.  I’m not afraid to take the plunge.  How about you?

Here is a sweet delicious smoothie that you can try at home.  There are many reasons to try a smoothie, most of the reasons are for the health benefits.  The right smoothies can be quite beneficial for you.  Instead of having to take a Supplement, where only 10% of the nutrients actually goes into your system, you can always try this.

If you just can find the right balance of nutrients, fiber, and what ever else your body needs.  Try a Green Smoothie.  You’ll be glad you did.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to end up in the Hospital because I didn’t take care of myself.  This could be a step in the right direction for many people.  What about you?

Do you want to be around for your children?  What about for your grandchildren?  If you do nothing this holiday season, or over the new year, make that resolution to take a plunge.  Take a dive into the world of health.

Some Mistakes of Vegans and Vegetarians

One might actually think that it’s easy to just get out there and change your lifestyle, but it’s not.  It can actually be quite hard for some people.

If you want to diet, exercise, and lose weight, there are some things you need to avoid as pointed out in the video below.

Those things are as follows:

Eating too much Fat.
Eating too much Sugar & Stimulants.
Not fixing enough of your own meals.
Not getting enough exercise.
Not being in a community.

For some, working out alone, might be alright.  For many, it’s the exact opposite.  Try to either create your own community, or join an existing one.  That will boost your confidence and willingness to get out there.


Heaven Is A Place On Earth

This classic song makes me want to dance.  One of the best all time classics, Heaven is a place on Earth, is an all round great song.  Just listen to the lyrics.  You’ll be glad you did.  Life is too short not to enjoy.  Get rid of the drama and bring on the music.  This Earth is what you make it.  Life is what you make it.  So, make it heaven.

Kona’s Korner

You might be wondering what the heck Kona’s Korner is?  It’s nothing more than another Gamer site.  Well, not exactly just another gaming site.

His reviews range from Orcs Must Die to Modern Warfare.

The site itself is very well designed.  A clean look, easy on the eyes and well laid out.

The latest post on the site can be found here.
Guest Appearance On 2ND Opinion Podcast

If you’re looking for a great gaming site/blog then this might be the one for you.  Being always updated and very opinionated, makes for a great over all site.  Who knows, you just might be inspired.




You Know You Spend To Much Time Online When

you change your desktop background almost daily.

you rarely turn off your computer.

you get hemorrhoids because you’ve been sitting at your computer so long.

a weekend of time spent offline feels like a nice break

you *do* take breaks from the computer, you psychologically schedule yourself to come back when the “4-hours” are up and you can replenish your Slot Game [or insert your favorite game here] tokens!

every time you leave your desk you take both your iPad and iPhone with you, just in case…and your car lighter charger

your dust bunnies have become dust elephants!

you don’t understand the meaning of “too much time online”

you’re too busy online to answer this question and simply go “huh??”

you get cankles from sitting for too many hours. (don’t worry, it’s temporary)

you think it’s Tuesday but it’s really Monday?

you search for the like button on your car radio

you search for reviews for things when you’re at the store.

you turn to your computer to look something up and realized you already are sitting at your computer.

the first thing you do in the morning is turn the laptop on.

you don’t ever have to turn on your computer