Budget Games and Software

I will be reviewing some Budget Games and Software in the coming weeks.  Most people are looking fun and good software on a budget.  What is my budget?  I’m limiting my purchases to $20.  You can expect a review on a budget product most Fridays.  Some weeks may be skipped, do to various factors.

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover they say, but the cover is the selling point.  Instead, I’m going to say, “You shouldn’t judge a game/software by it’s price.”  Just because it’s budget, doesn’t mean it’s not a good game/software.  For example, you can now get Sim City 4 for $10.  That is one product I will review.

The product I will be reviewing up in the coming week is, Encyclopedia Britannica.  This information filled product is a bit more accurate than Wikipedia and I’ll be giving it a whirl over the next week.  When opinion matters, I’ll be giving you my two cents on Friday.  Stay tuned for that.

If you’d like to send me a free copy of your software to review, then I’d be happy to oblige.  The software must be a reason price and budget friendly.